Tree Plantation paragraph for All classes (3 varient)

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Hello dear students, here is the Tree Plantation paragraph for classes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 with 150, 200, 250, and 300 words with easy-to-read.

Some questions about the Tree Plantation paragraph-

  • (a) What is a tree plantation?
  • (b) How do trees help us?
  • (c) How do they maintain ecological balance?
  • (d) What do we get from trees?
  • (e) What may happen in the absence of trees?
  • (f) What steps need to be taken to motivate people to tree plantation?

Tree Plantation paragraph for classes five, six, seven

Tree plantation means planting trees in large numbers. Trees are very important to us in many ways. We cannot think of our existence without trees. Trees cover a great deal of our food deficiency by providing fruits and vitamins. They supply timber for various uses. Trees prevent soil erosion). Many kinds of medicines are prepared from leaves, roots, and bark of trees. Above all, they help us to keep ecological balance by supplying oxygen.

Generally, trees are planted in July and August. They can be planted on roadsides and in all educational institutions. But our trees, and forests are not sufficient in proportion to our total land area. To preserve our environment we should plant more and more trees. The government should encourage the people to plantation through various media.

paragraph tree plantation
tree plantation paragraph

See also: A Winter Morning paragraph (All classes)

Tree Plantation paragraph for class eight

Tree plantation means planting more and more trees. Trees are useful to us in many ways. We get fruits, timber, and flowers from trees. Trees give us oxygen and take in carbon dioxide. They save us from natural calamities like drought, storms, floods, etc. Thus they maintain ecological balance. So trees are a valuable asset to a country. If we cut down trees at random, the country will become a desert one day.

But, unfortunately, our people are cutting trees for fuel, furniture and other purposes. We should therefore plant more trees. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. By planting trees we keep our environment balanced. We should also take care of them by removing the weeds and keeping the surrounding trees clean. Besides, we should raise awareness among all to plant more trees. We must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the world. Thus we can make the tree plantation program a success.

tree plantation paragraph
tree plantation paragraph

You can see: Load Shedding paragraph

Tree Plantation paragraph for SSC and HSC

Tree plantation means planting trees in large numbers throughout the country. Trees help us by providing us with food, oxygen, and fuel. If there were no trees, there would be no oxygen and life would have ceased to exist. The loss of trees means the loss of life. It leads to less rain and a fall in harvest. If trees do not exist in adequate proportion to men, animals, soil, air, and water in a given area, the ecological balance gets disturbed and life becomes difficult or impossible.

As a result, people die of starvation. Besides, heat, pollution, flood, famine, and disease are the results of deforestation. So, to save mankind forests should be preserved. Birds and beasts will have no place to live in. Thus, wildlife will be extinct and the balance of Nature will be disturbed. To prevent it, deforestation should be discouraged. Awareness about the importance of trees has to be developed to keep the earth greener, cleaner, and safer for the future. By advertising in print and electronic media, people can be motivated to tree plantation.

tree plantation paragraph
tree plantation paragraph

So, this is a tree plantation paragraph with three variants and also given some word meanings and Bangla translation. If you have any question or suggestion please comment below. See you in the next paragraph.

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